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268 Cursive Fonts sorted by best sellers.

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Honeyloops Handwritten Cursive Script
Honeyloops Handwritten Cursive Script

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Static Room Cursive Script Font
Static Room Cursive Script Font

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Quenyland - Cursive Script Font
Quenyland - Cursive Script Font

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Boyflare Cursive Script Font
Boyflare Cursive Script Font

View on Envato Elements

Rossegenia - Cursive Script Font
Rossegenia - Cursive Script Font

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Lucifasta Script Font
Lucifasta Script Font

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Yesie - Monoline Cursive Script Font
Yesie - Monoline Cursive Script Font

View on Envato Elements

Locke Port - Modern Script Font
Locke Port - Modern Script Font

View on Envato Elements

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The beauty of cursive fonts

Gone are the days of gorgeous hand-written letters. Luckily, however, graphic designers have captured the beauty of cursive handwriting and transformed it into elegant digital fonts. And thanks to these designers, these stunning scripts will now last forever!

Cursive fonts emulate cursive handwriting by connecting letters together with fluid, curvy lines. They're a standard across the board in the graphic design industry and are known for their gorgeous and versatile nature. Designers often use these fonts for brands, product design, and inspiring typographic posters.

So why do designers from all over the world choose cursive fonts—and why should you?

  • Cursive fonts are just...really pretty. Between their handwritten charm and loopy curvy lines, these fonts can be quite hypnotic too :)
  • They can be used for almost anything. Need a cool tattoo design? Use a cursive font! How about a new logo? That works too! Cursive fonts are so versatile that they work under many creative scenarios. You can use them in a variety of designs no matter the theme or niche.
  • They all have their own unique charm. No two cursive fonts are alike. Though one may be based on another design, they all have at least one quality that makes them special. Pay attention to the details of these fonts to truly admire the craftsmanship of their designs.
  • And lastly, cursive fonts have the ability to transform your work. A clean, sleek font is great for modern design, but a cursive font brings your work to a whole new level. Try it—you'll see what we mean.

Our selection of gorgeous cursive fonts includes edgy designs, vintage styles, vintage letters and more. They have all been created by professional designers and font lovers, and all have a few things in common that we're sure you'll appreciate:

  • You can test drive them for free! One of the unique features of our fonts is that you can try them out before buying them. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page for each product and type in some text to preview the font's design. How awesome is that!
  • Compatible with both Mac and PCs. No need to worry about compatibility here, just use your font and enjoy it on any computer.
  • Various font styles available. In design, you're only limited by your imagination. So whether you love wild, loopy scripts, or an elegantly stiff font style, you can choose from a varied selection of styles.
  • Extremely easy to use. Fonts are some of the easiest design resources around. Once you've downloaded your favorites, simply install them into the appropriate font folder and you're all set.

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